Thursday, September 19, 2013

One Week Down & Loving It!

Well I have made it through the first week, and yes I have had good days and not so good days but I am seriously LOVING being a Missionary girlfriend! Dakota is doing great and absolutely loving his mission! I am so happy for him and so very proud of him! I have never felt so strongly that I am supposed to be with him then while he has been on his mission! I know it has only been a week but I just cant deny the feelings I have been getting.

I have already seen so many blessings come from him serving the Lord. And not just for him but for me and his family as well! It really is amazing to see the hand of the Lord in the lives of missionaries and their loved ones! There really is no denying this gospel is true!

Its crazy to think that I have made it through the first week! It seems like nothing! And it feels so great to say that I only have to do this 103 more times! And to some people that might seem like a lot but to me it doesn't! I feel like counting the weeks is much easier than counting months or days. But that's just me, its different for everyone. But seriously, I am loving this whole experience so far and cant wait for what adventures are ahead! Good luck waiting! <3

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Church is True, I'll See You in 2

Well, he is in the Philippines! But first lets review the last few days before he left.

First...his farewell talk! It was on September 8th and he did AMAZING!!! He really is such a great speaker and when he is talking about the gospel there is no denying the spirit in the room! With all that being said I would like to add that I did NOT cry! I was very proud of myself! But little did I know that the water works would begin a few days later.

This is a picture of us after he gave his talk! :)
Then a few days later on Tuesday, he was set apart as a full time missionary. I help myself together pretty well for the majority of the day! It wasn't until about 2 hours before we went to the church that I started to lose it. But as usual, Dakota comforted me and helped me feel better. However, once we got to the church and his bishop and Stake President asked me how I was, the tears instantly started! And I know that a lot of MG's don't go into the room when their missionaries get set apart, but I am so glad that I did! It was such an amazing blessing!! And even just listening to it gave me comfort.
And here is the newly set apart Elder Crisp with his Stake President!
Leaving after he was set apart and not being able to hug or kiss him was by far the HARDEST part of this journey so far! I I sobbed the whole way home and for most of the night. Then I had to wake up at 3:00 am the next morning to go meet him at the airport. Surprisingly I didn't cry at all at the airport.
He was super excited to be going to the Philippines!
I was excited for him too! But the one thing I wasn't looking forward to....
The dreaded hand shake...which actually wasn't as bad as I expected!
After he checked in, we had a little while to wait before he had to go through security. So we just got to sit and talk, and honestly that was so nice! But after a while, it really was time to say "See you later" for 2 years.
And then I had to watch him walk away, whistling.
This was extremely hard! And I help back tears as he walked out of sight. For the next 2 days was depressed.  But I was tracking his flights so I knew where he was which did help  a lot. So I prayed for comfort and to feel at peace while he is gone, and I instantly felt better! Heavenly Father does hear our prayers and answers them! And then to make it even better, Thursday night I got my first  email from him!!!!! It was really short, but I didn't care! I was happy to hear that he made it and that he is liking it already! I wasn't expecting an email until next week so it made it even better!!!
So, I am officially a Missionary Girlfriend and my wait had finally, officially started and I couldn't be happier with the decisions he is making! I am so proud of him! 7,350 miles don't have anything on us!!! Here's to the next 730 days...bring it on! :)