Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Time Was Already Short...And it Just Got Shorter

The time I have left with my almost missionary is getting shorter and shorter everyday. But it was just recently cut much shorter than was expected and then I want it to be! I originally thought that I would be spending almost everyday with him up until he leaves, but yesterday that hope was crushed! For starters he just started working at his old job to earn a little bit of extra money for his mission, which is a good thing but now he will be working 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. That shortened my time. AND it was planned that when I go back to California next week for my moms wedding he would come with me. But that got shot down when his bishop said that he needed to stay here and go to the temple a lot and get in the right mind set for his mission. So basically I'm not too happy with his bishop right now! So that is a WHOLE week out of the 18 days he has left that I wont get to see him, I wont even be in the same state! And to top it all off, his last week here he will be in Provo and I will be in Layton with my dad. And who knows how often I will be able to see him that week. So its safe to say that I am sad, angry, frustrated and disappointed at this point. :(

There are times when I just wish that he would leave sooner, just so my wait can officially start and he can come home sooner. But I do know that it is important to make the best out of the time we do still have left together, no matter how short that time is. Many other MG's have told me that the waiting to wait is the hardest part. And boy do I believe it!! I didn't realize that this part would be this hard! But I am hoping that because this part is so hard that the rest of this journey wont seem as bad as the beginning. I know that the first few months he is gone are going to be very hard, and will take a lot of getting used to, but it will be so worth it. And time will actually pass even when it seems like its not. I am trying so hard to be positive about everything, but right now even that seems difficult. I pray for guidance and strength to get me through this journey from beginning to end, and learning and growing a lot on the way.

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