Monday, July 22, 2013

Our Love Story

It all began back in June of 2011. Dakota and I started hanging out because of mutual friends, one of which who started bringing him to church. We became fast friends! And it didn't take long for me to start liking him as more than a friend. I only hoped he was feeling the same way! For almost a month we just hung out as friends, but I was hoping we would become more than friends. Then Father's day came around and since my dad wasn't home and I knew his wasn't either, I texted him to see if he wanted to come hang out. He said he would but our other friend Shawn was over at his house and they were watching movies. But me knowing the way to a man's heart (his stomach) told them that if they both cam over I would make them strawberry shortcake. The response was "we're on our way!"
So when they got to my house I made them their dessert and we played board games and watched movies for hours! At around midnight Shawn said that he had to go home. So once he left Dakota and I were by ourselves. We continued to talk for another 3 hours! Finally at around 3:00 am I was so tired and I told him that I needed to go to bed. I was expecting him to just hug me and leave but that is not what happened! He began to clean up al the games, I told him not to worry about it and that I would take care of it. He insisted on picking them up so I let him. Once he had finished we hugged goodbye...but this hug was special, it lasted for 5 minuets! Literally, I could see the clock the whole time and I times it! We then looked at each other, and I was praying that he would kiss me. The he whispered "I'm just gonna go for it" AND HE KISSED ME! It was the best kiss of my life! I knew that there was something special about this guy. When he left I was smiling. When I went to bed I was smiling. When I woke up I was smiling. :) :) :) So a few days later on June 25th, we were having a bon-fire with some friends and we made it official! And we have been together ever since! We have definitely had some ups and downs, but that's normal. But through everything we are even more in love than I ever thought was possible! I LOVE DAKOTA ARTHUR CRISP!!!! <3

Our first picture together!
July 2, 2011

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